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Platti al Ristorante Pizzeria G. Rossi A' Bello

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, visitors rate the price/quality ratio for this restaurant as excellent. The food is of good quality and the prices are considered fair and low.
  • - the pizza at this restaurant is highly recommended by many reviewers. They offer a wide variety of flavors and the pizzas are described as thin, crispy, and served quickly.
  • - despite some negative reviews about other dishes, the tiramisu dessert was highly praised.
  • Seafood Menu

    - the seafood menu, priced at 30 euros all-inclusive upon reservation, was reported to be tasty and plentiful.
  • Cut with Rocket and Parmesan

    - one reviewer mentioned this dish as being tender and tasty.
  • Cuddles with Stracchino and Prosciutto

    - this dish is included in a 17-euro menu that also includes pizza, a drink, and dessert.
  • Fish First Courses

    - these dishes were mentioned positively along with the pizza.