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Platti al Trattoria Amabile dal 1954

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is rated as good value for money, with prices deemed normal or adequate. However, one review suggests avoiding the house wine and opting for a bottle instead.
  • Spiedo di Faraona

    - traditional spit-roasted guinea fowl highly praised by visitors, a specialty of the restaurant.
  • Risotto with Pumpkin and Porcini Mushrooms

    - a fantastic risotto dish appreciated by many customers.
  • Tagliatelle al Tartufo

    - homemade pasta with truffle, noted for its excellent taste and generous portion.
  • Maccheroncini with Colombino Ragù

    - homemade macaroni with a knife-cut pigeon ragù, applauded for its authentic taste.
  • Guancetta di Maiale con Purè

    - pork cheek with mashed potatoes, described as a delightful and tender surprise of the evening.
  • Fettuccine with Colombetto

    - another special pasta dish worth trying.
  • Minestra con i Fegatini

    - soup with liver, a classic dish that prepares the stomach, according to one review.
  • Peperonata

    - a superbly rated dish made with peppers.
  • Tagliata, Fillet, Faraona, and Iberico Pork Ribs

    - high-quality meat dishes praised for their taste.
  • Crema di Zucca con Tartufo Nero

    - pumpkin cream with black truffle, another standout dish.
  • Polenta e Formaggio

    - polenta and cheese, a great way to end the meal.
  • Tris di Dolci Fatti in Casa

    - a trio of homemade desserts confirming the quality of the restaurant's offerings.
  • Excellent choice of wines

    - the wine list is interesting, ranging from the most expensive and renowned labels to those worth tasting. Customers are advised to let the staff guide them in their selection.