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Platti al Taverna dei Sazi

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, visitors rate the price/quality ratio for this restaurant as excellent. They appreciate the high quality of the food and consider the prices to be very reasonable, even describing them as honest, competitive, and almost surreal.
  • Strozzapreti

    - a local dish that was highly praised by multiple reviewers. Some noted it was a bit salty, but still recommended.
  • - another dish that was well-received. It appears to be well-cooked and flavorful.
  • Homemade Desserts

    - the desserts were described as "yummy and fresh." Definitely worth trying.
  • Typical Foods

    - many reviewers mentioned the restaurant serves excellent typical foods with delicate tastes.
  • - cocoa and cinnamon biscuits dipped in a delicious cream were highly recommended.