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Platti al I Quattro Calici

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio at this restaurant is rated as fair. Visitors believe it offers exceptional quality dishes at reasonable prices, making it one of the best restaurants in Messina.
  • Pasta and Seafood

    - the dishes are prepared with excellent quality products and high-level technique, making them very flavorful.
  • Homemade Bitter with Lemon and Sichuan Pepper

    - a fragrant homemade drink that compliments the dishes well.
  • Fish Dishes

    - known for their imaginative recipes and refined flavors, these dishes are a must-try for seafood lovers.
  • Crispy Fried Foods

    - another specialty of the restaurant, these dishes are praised for their crunchiness and taste.
  • Crunchy Octopus

    - a standout dish that has been highly recommended by visitors for its amazing taste.
  • - known for their unique preparation style and commendable wine pairing.
  • Special Desserts

    - these desserts are the perfect way to round off an evening of delicious food and quality wines.
  • After-Dinner Drinks

    - very special and intriguing, these drinks are the perfect end to a meal.