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Platti al Osteria Nane della Giulia

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Based on the reviews, the price/quality ratio at this restaurant is generally rated as fair or reasonable. Some dishes may be considered slightly overpriced, but most visitors find the prices appropriate for the quality and context.
  • - described as simply fantastic and delicious, this traditional dessert is worth trying.
  • Gnocchi with Ossobuco

    - a satisfied customer recommends this dish for its excellent taste.
  • Goat Cheese, Nut and Squash Antipasti

    - this vegetarian option was praised for being very good.
  • Bigoli with Rabbit Ragu and Late Radicchio

    - an excellent traditional dish that customers found delicious.
  • Venetian-Style Liver

    - the divine cool ones make this dish a good choice, especially when paired with wine by the glass.
  • Bigoli with Rabbit Ragu and White Asparagus

    - this fantastic dish is known for the rustic consistency of the meat and the al dente cooking of the pasta.
  • Polenta with White Asparagus in Oil and Bacon

    - a great choice for children, according to one customer.
  • Seafood Dish from the Venetian Tradition

    - smoked herring, creamed cod and sardines in saor make this dish worth trying.
  • Creamed Cod

    - part of the classics from the Veneto region, this dish was described as exceptional.
  • Carpaccio of Radicchio and Artichokes

    - customers appreciated this appetizer for its freshness and crunchiness.
  • Local Wine

    - the restaurant offers a good choice of local wine, which customers recommend.