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Platti al La Marchigiana

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio has mixed reviews. Some customers found the prices high in relation to the quality, while others considered it great value and excellent quality food.
  • - the meat is highly recommended by many reviewers, described as excellent and tasty. It is presented well and seems to be a specialty of the restaurant.
  • Scottona Tagliata

    - a magnificent dish that was appreciated by customers for its quality.
  • Arrosticini

    - this dish excellently replaced the exhausted lamb and was a welcome proposal for an Abruzzo native.
  • Gnocchi with Meat Sauce

    - this dish was also mentioned positively, highlighting the quality of the meat used in the sauce.
  • - despite mixed reviews, some customers found the tartarre to be excellent.
  • Prime Stereos at km 0

    - this dish was also praised for its quality.
  • Secondo di Carne

    - a well-blended and properly cooked meat dish that was recommended by a customer.
  • Filetto

    - a flavorful, tender, and perfectly cooked steak that was highly appreciated by a customer.
  • - while there were mixed reviews, some customers found the selection of wines to be good.
  • Desserts

    - the desserts were mentioned positively, described as sublime by one reviewer.

Piatti e bevande a La Marchigiana