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Platti al Locanda '81

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Reviewers indicate that the price is great considering the high quality of the food, with an approximate cost of 40-70€ per person. Reservations are compulsory.
  • Tuna Main Course

    - described as the "best tuna ever," this dish is a must-try for seafood lovers.
  • Monkfish with Foie Gras

    - highly recommended by several reviewers, this unique combination of flavors promises to be an exciting culinary experience.
  • Fresh Porcini and Pasta

    - loved by customers for its perfect cooking.
  • Risotto with Pumpkin/Gorgonzola

    - a delightful starter that leaves a lasting impression.
  • - an excellent choice for those who enjoy a variety of fried seafood.
  • Antipasto di Calamaro Ripieno

    - a delicious squid appetizer.
  • Chiattina alle Vongole

    - a clam dish that has received positive reviews.
  • - described as "top" and "ottimo," this dessert is a must-try for chocolate lovers.
  • - dubbed as the best ever by a reviewer, this classic Italian dessert is a must-try.
  • Sardinian Vermentino

    - this wine was mentioned as very tasty and worth trying.
  • Fermentino Wine

    - another wine option that reviewers found to be delicious.