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Platti al Lo Scoiattolo

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally rated as good or excellent. Some visitors felt the prices were a bit high, but most found them to be reasonable and in line with the quality and quantity of food served.
  • Wild Boar Sauce

    - highly appreciated by visitors, this dish is considered to be the best of its kind that some have ever eaten.
  • Donkey Stew

    - another traditional Ligurian dish that is highly recommended for its delicious taste.
  • Pesto Lasagna

    - a simple yet satisfying dish, although some visitors felt it did not live up to the high standards of other dishes.
  • Tagliatelle with Mushrooms

    - this dish is praised for its good quality and taste.
  • Ravioli with Hare Sauce

    - another standout dish, with visitors praising its excellent taste.
  • Genoese Rabbit

    - this dish is also highly recommended for its generous portions and great taste.
  • Braised Meat

    - known for its generous servings and honest pricing.
  • Minestrone with Cod Spaghetti

    - a well-received dish with a fair price.
  • Pasqualina Pie and Roast Beef

    - both dishes are very tasty and worth trying.
  • White Mushroom Sauce Taglierini

    - this dish is praised for its abundant portions and delicious taste.
  • - considered one of the best ever tasted by a visitor, this dessert is a must-try.
  • Traditional Ligurian Dishes

    - the restaurant's typical country trattoria dishes, particularly their starters, are highly recommended.