House menu
Menù turistico of the casa30Antipasto: from the chef - primo: of your choice (in the\noptions) - secondo: mixed grilled pork with side dish -\ncaffè
Second course
Grigliata of suino13
Grigliata max of suino16
Polpette of manzo to pomodoro6Based on availability\n
Tagliata of suino and salsa bbq18Servita with cheese and potatoes\n
Tagliata of manzo with tartufo and patate27
Grigliata of funghi porcini13
Tagliata of manzo with radicchio25
Polpette of manzo to tartufo10
Filettuccio of manzo with tartufo25
Bistecca of manzo and oro40Con edible gold 23kr\n
Scaloppina ai funghi porcini10
Bistecca of vitello23Kg. 500 c.c.\n
Tagliata of manzo with patate25
Tagliata of manzo to funghi porcini28
Bistecca of vitello with patate27
Filettuccio of manzo with funghi porcini25
Bistecca of vitello xi30Kg 900 c.c\n
Trout fillet15Trota filleted with side dish\n
Polpette of manzo to funghi porcini8
Visualizza i menu dei ristoranti della zona
Truffle menu
Menù tutto tartufo60Antipasto: cacio, egg, truffle ricotta -\nPrimo: tagliolino or truffle crescents -\nSecondo: tagliate
Wines la locanda
Vino rosso la locanda8Bottle
Vino rosè la locanda8Bottle
Vito bianco la locanda8Bottle
Tranci of torta4
Tiramisù4Monoporzione (frozen)\n
Rose and white wine
Fili (rosé)18Bottle - serracavallo\n
Lumare (rosé)18Bottle - tenuta iuzzolini\n
Verbicaro vernante (pink)15Bottle
Cirò librandi (pink)14Bottle
Prima rosa (pink)18Bottle - angelo negro\n
Madre coccia (vinite)20Bottle
Ferrocinto (pink)18Bottle
Fanta 33 cl.2Tin can\n
Acqua big sparkling2
Coca cola zero 33 ci.2Tin can\n
Coca cola 33 cl.2Tin can\n
Acqua natural large2
Acqua sparkling 50 cl.1
Campari corretto3.5
Tè cold pesca2Tin can\n
Succo of frutta2More options available\n
Acqua natural 50 cl.1
Tè cold limone2Tin can\n
Uovo to tartufo7
Tartare of funghi porcini and dried fruit18According to the period\n
Ricotta calda to tartufo9
Antipasto vegetariano12
Piatto primavera6Pomodoro and mozzarella\n
Antipasto of the locanda misto20Salumi, cheeses, pickled and hot\ndepending on the season - in courses\n
Antipasto solo caldo15Courses - products based on the\nseason\n
Cacio and funghi porcini8
Piatto of formaggi locali10
Piatto misto12Salumi, cheeses, in oil\n
Piatto of salumi10
Bruschet nuoto, locanda10Con porcini mushrooms bacon and cherry tomatoes
Misto sott'olio8
Cacio and uovo to tartufo12
Ichnusa non filtr. 50 cl.4
Tuborg 66 cl.3.5
Dreher 33 cl1.2
Tuborg 33 cl.2
Dreher 66 cl.3
Coffee bar
Caffè fixed1
Caffe aromatizzato1.5Choose the taste in the options\n
Red wines
Settechiese (red)18Bottle - serracavallo\n
Barbera nicolon (red)25Bottle - angelo negro
Barolo serralunga (red)60Bottle - angelo negro\n
Verbicaro vernante (red)15Bottle
Nebbiolo doc angelin (red)25Bottle - angelo negro\n
Dolceto dalba (red)20
Barolo baudana (red)110Bottle - angelo negro\n
Belfresco (red)18Bottle - tenuta iuzzolini\n
Roero riserva (red)50Bottle - sudisfa - angelo negro\n
Barbera d'alba bertu (red)35Bottle - angelo negro\n
Berbicaro torre of cosenza (Red)18Bottle - verbicaro
Verbicaro laos (red)30Bottle
Ferrocinto (red)18Bottle
Fera verbicaro (red)10Bottle
Principe spinelli (red)18Bottle - tenuta iuzzolini\n
Barbera dina (red)20Bottle - angelo negro\n
First dishes
Pasta and legumi9
Trofie salsiccia and funghi porcini9
Tagliolini to tartufo12
Rigatoni to locanda9Con sausage, aubergines, tomato.\nsmoked ricotta\n
Tagliatelle ai funghi porcini10
Tagliolino tartufo and oro20Con truffle and edible gold 23 kr\n
Ferretti to suino nero9
Pasta and patate9
Pasta to pomodoro7
Zuppa of fagioli9
Mezze lune ai funghi porcini14Con stuffed with porcini mushrooms\n
Spaghetto of the casa10Ricotta and dried tomato cream\n
Minestrone of verdure10
Mezze lune to tartufo14Con truffle filling\n
Side dishes
Spinaci Lessi6
Asparagi grigliati8
Zucchine lesse6
Patate 'mpclosed5
Bietole lesse6
Patate peperoni and cipolla6
Patate and porcini8
Insalata verde4
Insalata mista5
Insalata of tomatoes6
Patate and cipolla5
Patate lesse6
Insalata mista max8