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Platti al Trattoria la Kantina

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant appears to be a matter of some debate among reviewers. Some found the prices high for the quality or quantity of food provided, while others felt the quality and portions were excellent for the price. It seems advisable to ask for prices beforehand to avoid any surprises.
  • Sagne with Chickpeas and Seafood

    - reviewers praised this dish for its delicious taste.
  • - this dish was described as superlative, making it a must-try.
  • Roast

    - despite some mixed reviews, the roast was often mentioned as a highlight.
  • Sweet Pepper First Course

    - a unique dish that was so good, diners asked for seconds.
  • Fried and Roasted Dishes

    - these dishes were noted for their excellent preparation.
  • Turbot Cooked to Perfection

    - this fish dish was highly recommended by reviewers.
  • Baked Fish with Potatoes

    - this dish was specifically noted for its quality and the skill of the chef.
  • - despite some controversy over the price, the taste of the monkfish was not criticized.
  • - although one reviewer found it overcooked, the taste was still praised.

Piatti e bevande a Trattoria la Kantina

Servizi e caratteristiche del ristorante

pranzo cena ottima posizione


cordiale liquore vino della casa vino caffè limonata brandy sherry secco sherry grappa limoncello


pesce minestra brodo antipasto pasta rigatoni gnocchi spaghetti pappardelle kacamak meze completo gamberi pesce al forno ceci patate al forno filetto americano carne frutti di mare misti grigliata mista acqua Pazza coda di rospo frutti di mare salsa pesce fritto salmone mote cozze spaghetti ai frutti di mare ricotta insalata di mare insalate fritto misto formaggio risotto calamari spaghetti alle vongole spaghetti alle vongole causa merluzzo


semifreddo torte