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Platti al La Capannina

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
In terms of price/quality ratio, most reviewers found it to be extremely good or very reasonable. However, one reviewer criticized the cost of the house white wine.
  • - highly recommended by many reviewers for its excellent taste. Gluten-free option is also available and well-loved.
  • Truffle Tagliatelle

    - specifically recommended for those seeking gluten-free options.
  • - recommended as a gluten-free option.
  • - a dessert that is highly recommended, especially for those seeking gluten-free options.
  • - mentioned as great by a reviewer.
  • - considered nice and reasonably priced.
  • - noted for its good selection and quality.
  • Salmon Trout

    - criticized for being too dry.
  • Tuna and Onion Pizza

    - unexpectedly contained rosemary which was not appreciated by a customer.
  • Lasagne

    - described as too dry and tasting like a ready-made meal.