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Platti al Il Pescatore di Montereale

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Customers rate the price/quality ratio as excellent, noting that the prices are fair considering the high quality of the food. The portions are also more than generous, and the bill is described as "extra honest.
  • Fish Dishes

    - the restaurant offers excellent fish dishes, praised for their quality and fair pricing. The fish tasting menu comes highly recommended.
  • - the mussels are described as excellent and abundant, making them a must-try.
  • Pasta a Vongole

    - beautifully prepared, this dish is a standout among the pasta offerings.
  • Frittura di Calamari e Gamberi

    - this fried calamari and shrimp dish is a hit with customers.
  • Frittura di Baccalà e Foglie di Salvia

    - the fried cod and sage leaves, served with a tomato dipping sauce, is another seafood dish worth trying.
  • Dairy-less Pistacchio Gelato

    - even if you're lactose intolerant, you can still enjoy dessert. This dairy-free pistachio gelato is the best.
  • Marscapone with Chocolate Shavings and Nuts

    - this dessert is not only delicious, but also beautifully presented in to-go boxes.
  • Primi Piatti

    - the first courses are noteworthy, even though they may arrive lukewarm on occasion.