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Platti al Ristorante Pizzeria Il Guerriero

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio at this restaurant is rated as excellent. The dishes are abundant and the prices are fair, especially considering the quality of the food.
  • Fresh and Well-Cooked Mushrooms

    - these have been praised for their freshness and well-cooked nature. The prices might seem high, but the quality makes it worth it.
  • Rustic Macaroni with Sausage and Mushrooms

    - this dish was highlighted for its generous portions and excellent taste. It comes highly recommended.
  • Homemade Desserts

    - reviewers found the homemade desserts to be very good, making them a must-try.
  • Tuscan Antipasto

    - this typical Tuscan starter received positive reviews for its taste and portion size.
  • Nero Crostino

    - this dish was appreciated for its taste, though it might need a pinch more salt.
  • Handmade Fresh Pasta

    - the handmade pasta at this restaurant is praised for its thickness and taste.
  • Wild Boar with Polenta

    - the wild boar dish is tender and well-cooked, served with polenta. Some reviewers suggested less polenta on the plate.
  • Homemade Tiramisu

    - this classic Italian dessert was enjoyed by reviewers and is recommended for those with a sweet tooth.
  • - the restaurant offers a bottle of wine for €16, which is considered a fair price.