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Platti al Agriturismo Cascina Loghetto

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant seems to be rated positively by most visitors, although one reviewer found the portions to be smaller than expected for the price.
  • Homemade Cured Meats

    - the cured meats are mentioned as excellent and part of the traditional Crema cuisine. They are likely made with high-quality ingredients from their own production.
  • Creamy Tortelli

    - this dish is highly recommended by several reviewers, both in its regular and gluten-free versions. It's handmade in-house and seems to be a standout item on the menu.
  • Gluten-Free Cremasco Tortelli

    - for those with dietary restrictions, this dish is said to be exceptional. It's part of the restaurant's effort to provide a variety of gluten-free options for their guests.
  • Tagliatelle al Ragù

    - this pasta dish is mentioned in one of the reviews, indicating it might be a part of the fixed menu.
  • Roast Turkey Rolls

    - these thin slices of turkey rolls were part of a fixed menu, suggesting they could be a specialty of the restaurant.
  • Tart and Coffee

    - these were served at the end of the meal, indicating that the restaurant offers dessert and coffee options too.
  • Pasta al Ragù (Children's Menu)

    - this dish was served as part of the children's menu, making it a potential option for families dining with kids.