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Platti al Al Pontil de' Tripoli

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is considered above average. While prices are slightly higher, the exceptional quality of the food justifies the cost.
  • Fritto misto di pesce e verdure

    - a mix of fried fish and vegetables that's light, crispy, and flavorful.
  • Gelato con le fragole

    - strawberry gelato that is excellent and creamy.
  • Paccheri con scampi, porcini e tartufo

    - this dish made with paccheri pasta, scampi, porcini mushrooms, and truffle was particularly appreciated by the guests.
  • Spaghetti con ricci e bottarga

    - spaghetti with sea urchin and bottarga, a specialty of the house.
  • Pesce azzurro marinato

    - marinated blue fish, absolutely delicious.
  • Fischmenu

    - an outstanding fish menu with five courses, each better than the other.
  • Pasta mit Seeigel

    - pasta with sea urchin, a recommended dish.
  • Menu da 45 euro

    - a four-course menu including an appetizer, first and second course of fish, and an excellent dessert.

Piatti e bevande a Al Pontil de' Tripoli

Servizi e caratteristiche del ristorante

buon servizio cena ottima posizione anniversario tavoli all'aperto


gelato gelato torte budino di uova cantucci dolcetti cassata siciliana crema al forno tiramisù


pesce antipasto pasta bissara bottarga kacamak formaggio spaghetti maiale misir carne brodo minestra gorgonzola hackepeter kama fritto misto bacon crostata completo speck tartare spaghetti alle vongole salmone club sandwich gnocchi panini branzino frutti di mare carpaccio pollo pollame panini di pesce tramezzini all'aringa rechta salsa tagliatelle lasagne meze spaghetti alle vongole filetto americano crostate salmone al sesamo calamari gamberi